16 Sep 2022, 00:30
⚙️ SYSTEM UPDATE ANNOUNCEMENT Dear FOTA Gamers; We have been over a month since launching the first version on mainnet and have received a lot of feedback and valuable contributions from the entire community. After collecting those valuable contributions, we decided to update an important version with new mechanics as well as fixing bugs. The update will take place from September 16th to September 23rd. To ensure the update goes smoothly, the reward payment will be postponed from September 16rd to September 23rd, receiving rewards will return to normal after successful update. Also in the next 7 days please do not continue to play the game to ensure the safety of the account value. The FOTA team will always strive to improve product quality and provide a mature platform. Once again, FOTA would like to thank the entire community for the trust and support. Best regards, FOTA TEAM —————————————————————— 🌐 Follow us on: Website | Social Media Links #FOTA #Metaverse #BNB